Hormone Pellet Therapy

Consultations offered at our two convenient locations in Lake Havasu and Kingman, AZ

Hormone Pellet Therapy Prima Medical Care Dr. Michael Colonna

Hormone pellet therapy, or bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), is a safe and effective method of hormone balancing that does not require pills, creams, or patches. Pellet therapy utilizes molecularly identical hormones derived from plants to initiate the natural hormonal processes in the human body so that the patient can return to a natural state of balance with proper hormone levels. These small pellets, no larger than a grain of rice, are placed under the skin and slowly release their tailored hormone blend into their bloodstream.

Hormone imbalance can affect both men and women and have a wide range of negative effects on the patient; from sleep issues or weight fluctuations to mental health issues and cardiovascular complications. (1) By utilizing minimally invasive pellet therapy to regulate hormones in the long term, patients can quickly see results without major lifestyle changes.

If you are experiencing symptoms brought on by hormone imbalances, or if your body is just not feeling quite the way it should, schedule a consultation at Prima Medical Care with board-certified physician Dr. Michael Colonna, or family nurse practitioner Katie Colonna in either Lake Havasu or Kingman. For more information on scheduling and the services we provide, call us at (928) 302-3798.

About BHRT

Bioidentical hormones are created using natural compounds and plant-based ingredients that mimic the hormones that our body naturally produces. These hormones are crafted to a patient’s individual needs using pharmaceutical-grade ingredients and minimal chemical alteration, all to eliminate the symptoms brought on by their hormone imbalance and maximize a return to the body’s natural state of hormone stability, or homeostasis.

Bioidentical hormone replacement is used to alleviate symptoms that can be caused by menopause, hormone imbalances, and aging. It is often believed that it is a normal process for our body’s hormone level to decrease as we age, however, these hormones may not decrease at consistent levels, leading to an imbalance and being left with symptoms that can make day-to-day activities harder to complete and less enjoyable.

Hormone Imbalance in Women

An imbalance of hormones can cause drastic shifts in a woman’s body. One of the most notable of these is the onset of menopause. After years of regular menstrual cycles controlled by hormonal shifts, the decline of these hormones can cause hot flashes, low libido, night sweats, palpitations, chills, and sleep issues. (2) Other symptoms that can arise are gastrointestinal problems, migraines, weight fluctuations, increased or decreased blood pressure, and depression, ranging from mild to severe. (2)

Hormone Imbalance in Men

Hormone imbalances can affect men just as drastically as they can affect women. An imbalance can lead to lower libido, erectile dysfunction, weight fluctuations, concentration trouble, muscle fatigue, brain fog, depression, anxiety, sleep issues, and more. (3) Testosterone deficiency, or “low T” is the most common hormone issue for men, with the highest rates being in the United States. Fortunately, hormone replacement therapy has been shown to improve the quality of life and mitigate these troubling symptoms in men. (4)

Scheduling a consultation at Prima with one of our experts will help you create a pellet therapy regimen that most effectively alleviates your symptoms and helps you feel like your most healthy self.

A Simple and Effective Solution

Tiny pellets containing estrogen, testosterone, or other hormones are implanted under the skin. (5) This will be done via a small incision to the hip, upper buttocks, upper arms, thighs, or other fatty, fleshy areas. The pellets will release a steady dose of hormones over several months. This procedure is performed in the office by a trained practitioner. There is little to no downtime after the procedure, with a few restrictions that will all be discussed when you meet with your provider.

Benefits of BHRT

Pellet-based hormone therapy is one of the safest and most convenient options available for patients. Patients’ symptoms will diminish over time and their hormones will balance themselves upon the insertion of the pellet. Hormone pellets will also not pose the liver health complication risks that may arise with oral hormonal supplements. (5) Patients can begin to see effects within a few weeks, and the pellets will continue to regulate patients’ hormones for many months following initial insertion. Other major benefits of hormone pellet therapy include:

  • Boosted sex drive
  • Increased sexual satisfaction
  • Better sleep quality
  • Regulated, consistent mood
  • Weight stability
  • Improved mental health
  • Less general discomfort
  • Improved quality of life

If you want to reap the benefits of BHRT and get back to feeling like your healthiest, happiest, most confident self, then schedule a consultation at Prima Medical Care today.


Candidacy for hormone pellet therapy depends on the symptoms experienced by the patient.

Female Patients

While menopause is largely diagnosed retrospectively, studies have shown that introducing hormone therapies up to 10 years prior to menopause and the final menstrual cycle can lighten the symptoms and reduce the chances of cardiovascular complications. (3) Most women will qualify for hormone pellet therapy if they are experiencing menopause-related symptoms, but it is recommended to schedule a consultation with a Prima Medical Care professional to develop a method that is most effective for your health.

Male Patients

Male patients can experience a hormonal shift caused by a condition called male hypogonadism. Defects in the relationship between the testes, the pituitary gland, and other endocrine organs can lead to decreased libido, decreased testosterone, erectile dysfunction, depression, fatigue, and more in men. (5) Hormone pellet therapy increases the testosterone back to a proper, functioning level. Most men experiencing the symptoms of hormonal imbalance and/or male hypogonadism will qualify for treatment. Meet with a Prima Medical Care provider to explore your therapeutic options.

Personal Consultation

Scheduling a consultation is a vital first step in improving your hormone health. Pellet-based hormone therapy is a safe and effective treatment for patients suffering from the symptoms of hormonal imbalance. Because each patient’s hormone levels, symptoms, and symptom severity will be different, it is important for our providers to fully understand your condition. This information will be discussed to determine appropriate dosing and an individualized treatment plan. Each patient is unique, and the treatment plan is determined based on their specific needs. When it comes to hormone therapy, everyone has a tailored plan with specific goals that allow the practitioner to help optimize hormone levels.

Pellet Insertion Procedure

Insertion of the hormonal therapy pellet(s) is a short and minimally invasive procedure. Your provider will sterilize and numb the skin of the insertion site first, and then place the pellet under the skin, normally in subcutaneous fatty tissue. (4) If done by needle, the size may vary depending on the type of pellet and hormonal dose. Alternatively, a small incision may be made and a pellet will be placed inside, then closed with stitches or closure strips, but this is more common for larger pellets. (4) Pellets will need to be replaced over the span of a few months as their hormone supply diminishes.

There is no major recovery necessary for the actual insertion process of hormone pellet therapy. Proper wound hygiene is recommended for incision healing. You may feel some soreness like you would with a flu shot, but staying hydrated and a dose of anti-inflammatory medication like ibuprofen will help this fade.


It is important to remember that restoring hormonal balance through BHRT is a gradual process. Some individuals may notice improvements in symptoms relatively quickly, while others may require several weeks or months to witness significant changes. As the bioidentical hormones take effect, you will begin to notice changes to your condition. Many patients report improved mental health, clarity, focus, and mental stamina. As other symptoms fade, patients experience better sleep, a stabilized mood, increased happiness, better sexual satisfaction, and more.

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures

Weight gain is a common symptom coming from both age and imbalanced hormones. If this is something you are experiencing, consider exploring Prima Medical Care’s Semaglutide injection regimens. GLP-1 medications have proven their success in weight loss, and we can help incorporate this into your health journey. If your joints and back are feeling stiff as another side effect of age and hormonal shifting, we also offer Osteopathic Manipulative Treatments (OMT) to eliminate your soreness and feel loose, healthy, and lively.

Cost of BHRT in Lake Havasu

Hormonal imbalances will cause different symptoms with varying severity for each patient, so there is no one set cost for a treatment plan. Pellet dosage will also depend on your medical history and current health status. The best way to receive an accurate estimate on the costs of your hormone pellet therapy is to attend a personal consultation with a Prima Medical Care provider. Their expertise in the field can help you understand what your specific hormone regimen will involve.

Call (928) 302-3798 for more details about our BHRT program in Lake Havasu and Kingman, AZ and take the first step toward improving your quality of life.


How does BHRT differ from traditional hormone replacement therapy?

BHRT differs from traditional hormone replacement therapy (HRT) because it uses hormones that are molecularly identical to those naturally produced in the body. Traditional HRT often uses synthetic hormones that do not replicate the body’s natural hormones as closely.

How are bioidentical hormones administered in BHRT?

Bioidentical hormones can be administered through various methods. One of the most effective is via small pellets inserted under the skin that release hormones gradually over time.

How long does BHRT treatment typically last?

The duration of BHRT treatment can vary depending on the individual’s hormone levels, symptoms, and overall health. Some individuals may require BHRT for months or even years to achieve and maintain hormonal balance. Regular follow-up appointments will allow your provider to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.

Is BHRT only for menopause management?

No, BHRT can address various hormonal imbalances in both men and women. While it is commonly used for managing menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, and low libido, it can also be beneficial for individuals experiencing age-related hormone decline, PMS symptoms, and other conditions related to hormonal imbalances.


  1. Segarra I, Menárguez M, María Victoria Roqué. Women’s health, hormonal balance, and personal autonomy. Frontiers in Medicine. 2023;10. doi:https://doi.org/10.3389/fmed.2023.1167504
  2. Peacock K, Ketvertis KM. Menopause. NIH. Published August 11, 2022. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK507826/
  3. Anaissie J, DeLay KJ, Wang W, Hatzichristodoulou G, Hellstrom WJ. Testosterone deficiency in adults and corresponding treatment patterns across the globe. Translational Andrology and Urology. 2017;6(2):183-191. doi:https://doi.org/10.21037/tau.2016.11.16
  4. Sizar O, Schwartz J. Hypogonadism. PubMed. Published 2020. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK532933/
  5. Sissons B. What is hormone pellet therapy, and is it safe? Medicalnewstoday.com. Published June 15, 2022. Accessed August 13, 2024. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/hormone-pellet-therapy-for-menopause#procedure